
Friday, July 21, 2006

I'm smiling on the outside, but dieing on the inside...

This month sux!

The Group took my friend out for her birthday for lunch earlier this week, and dinner last night. I never got an invite to either. I tried for the last two weeks to just take her out for lunch to celebrate her b-day by myself, but she said not until after her daughter's wedding (which I am not invited to, but the rest of The Group is ='( ). Not until after September. It just hurts so bad not being wanted. I try my best to deal with my problem. I try every day, and some days it is like walking threw hell (like today). I think I am doing better, I think I am making progress. My counselor and my doctor both said that I am doing wonderful, that I look great. I am not suffering as bad as I used to, but I am not sure if that is due to me making progress, or just due to the fact my heart is so beat-up that one more stab can't make a difference...

My Grandfather is doing better! He is going nuts from boredom in the hospital. They may even release him this weekend! At lest something is going better...


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